Everbuild Scrim Tape


SCRIM - MADE IN EUROPE TO PERFORM! EuroScrim is a premium quality, quick and easy to apply, self-adhesive scrim tape that is made in Europe to perform! EuroScrim has a quality high tack adhesive and an open mesh that will not blister or bubble, creating perfect joints everytime.

scrim tape uk

Image Code Description Brand Size Colour EAN Price Quantity
EVE1270 Everbuild EuroScrim Tape 48mm x 90m Everbuild 48mm x 90m White 5029347611750 £5.38 (inc VAT)
EVE1271 Everbuild EuroScrim Tape 100mm x 90m Everbuild 100mm x 90m White 5029347612627 £15.12 (inc VAT)